



Dimetra EBTS Base Radio Controller » History » Revision 5

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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:52 PM

PageOutline = BR Controller (CAE010CMX) =

This is s small PowerPC based embedded system. It communicates with the TETRA Site Controller (TSC) over 10-Base-2 Ethernet and controls all the other units of the Base Radio via the backplane of the BR cabinet.

It has the following connections:

  • RS-232 on the back of the BR
  • RS-232 on the front of the BR
  • Site Alarm I/O on the back of the BR
  • 10-Base-2 Ethernet on the back of the BR (BNC)
  • Clock input on the back of the BR (BNC)

Image(tetra_br_controller_pcb.jpg, 66%)


The hardware is a typical embedded design centered around MPC860 PowerPC: * XPC860DECZP33C1 (MPC860 PowerPC SoC) * User Manual: * Hardware Specs: * BDM/JTAG: * Seems like P3 is the BDM/JTAG port for it * 4x AM29LV017D (16MBit NOR Flash), total capacity = 8MByte * * CT2M64S4D10.8T66 (16MByte SDRAM module) * NE83C92A coaxial Ethernet transceiver * * XC56307GC100E (24-bit DSP56307 Digital Signal Processor) * * Seems like P1000 is the OnCE/JTAG port for it


=== boot loader ===
There is a bootloader pre-installed in the Base Radio.

=== radio application ===
It seems like the BR Controller is downloading its software via the Ethernet link from the [[wiki:Dimetra_EBTS/Site_Controller]]

Console logs

=== Normal boot ===
During normal boot, the console output is as follows: {{{
RAM Test: .... passed

Base Radio Controller
Version R07.00.20
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Motorola Inc. All rights reserved.
Ethernet Test: passed
Running from boot code area

To enter configuration mode, hit any key within 10 seconds:
Starting BRC registration
Waiting for Registration
Waiting for Registration
Waiting for Registration
Waiting for Registration
Waiting for Registration
Waiting for Registration
where at the end it is probably waiting to register with the [[wiki:Dimetra_EBTS/Site_Controller]]

=== configuration mode ===
If the boot process is interrupted, you get into configuration mode: {{{
RAM Test: .... passed

Base Radio Controller
Version R07.00.20
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Motorola Inc. All rights reserved.
Ethernet Test: passed
Running from boot code area

To enter configuration mode, hit any key within 10 seconds:
Running config

Base Radio Controller
Version D07.00.20-TETRA-BRC-ROM
Software part number PC895F006000070020
Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Motorola Inc. All rights reserved.

Unauthorized Access Prohibited
correcting TXLIN register 0x0 from 0x10 to 0x56
INITILIZATION FAILURE: Pendulum lock failure.
    DSP bootloader complete

Enter login password:

The default password seems to be "motorola" for the <FIELD> mode.

For more information see [[wiki:Dimetra_EBTS/Base_Radio/Controller/CLI]]

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 5 revisions

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