



Dimetra EBTS Base Radio Controller » History » Revision 1

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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:52 PM

= BR Controller (CAE010CMX) =

This is s small PowerPC based embedded system. It communicates with the TETRA Site Controller (TSC) over 10-Base-2 Ethernet and controls all the other units of the Base Radio via the backplane of the BR cabinet.

It has the following connections:

  • RS-232 on the back of the BR
  • RS-232 on the front of the BR
  • Site Alarm I/O on the back of the BR
  • 10-Base-2 Ethernet on the back of the BR (BNC)
  • Clock input on the back of the BR (BNC)

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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