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laforge, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM

PageOutline = Osmocom SIMtrace Hardware =

Image(simtrace_v09_top_mid.jpg, 33%)

STATUS: We're currently working on the second generation prototypes of the Osmocom SIMtrace Hardware.

Schematics, Gerber & Co

The schematics, Gerber files, etc. can be found in the 'hardware' subdirectory of the simtrace.git repository: * (web browsing * git:// (git clone URL)

We're using Kicad as EDA tool. Most of the work on the schematics and Gerber files has been done by Kevin Redon,
based on the original design by Harald Welte.

The latest schematics are also available as an attachment to this page.


As of June 04, 2011 the components have all arrived and four PCBs are in production. We expect to assemble the first
units around June 14, 2011.

As of June 21st, we have four re-worked prototypes that are fully functional.

TODO * Decide on alternative sourcing of SIM adapter cables * Go into actual production License

Schematics and Gerber files are released under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA (Share Alike / Attribution) license.


Once the design is finished and verified, the produced units are going to be sold through []

Shipping / Sales will probably commence in early August. We intend to have them available during the 2011 CCC Camp.

Updated by laforge over 8 years ago · 5 revisions

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