


ESIM profile database » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (laforge, 06/03/2024 06:38 PM) → Revision 5/14 (laforge, 06/03/2024 06:40 PM)

h1. eSIM profile database 

 Similar to #6475, it would be interesting to gather [statistics on] eSIM profiles.    Basically get profiles from as many operators out thre and then use that body of data to have a look which features the profiles use. 

 While we don't yet have any kind of database or website, I already appreciate any eSIM contributions. 

 h2. How to contribute? 

 If you would like to donate an eSIM profile to this project, please order an eSIM and then send the activation code (QR code or text representation) to 

 The eSIM you donate *does not need to be active* or provide any kind of service. You can (for example) order it and deactivate it immediately afterwards. 

 h2. Known profiles 

 Let's keep this manually maintained table until we have the actual database: 

 |_.MCC|_.MNC|_.eSIM |_.MCC|_.MNC|_.Operator Name|_.ICCID|_.SM-DP+|_.SM-DP+ operator| 
 |232|10|Readtea Mobile|89852245280003057073||RedTea Mobile| 
 |260|01|Airalo Bonbon Mobile France|89103000000182121497||Workz| 
 |260|06|BNESIM Germany|8910300000017998750||Workz| 
 |262|02|Vodafone DE|89492026245201259854||G+D| 
 |?|?|EDEKA smart kombi S|?|
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