



GSMA Security Group » History » Revision 2

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admin, 02/19/2016 10:52 PM
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= GSMA Security Group =

The GSMS is apparently the oldest working group within the [wiki:GSMA]


The GSMA SG releases guideline documents for their members. Access to those documents is non-public :(

  • SG.01 – 04 * Distribution rules and NDA’s pertaining to algorithms
  • SG.07 * Threat Analysis of the GSM System
  • SG.09 * Interception Requirements
  • SG.11 * Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • SG.14 * Operations and Maintenance Access Control
  • SG.15 * Operator Guidance on the use of Security Mechanisms
  • SG.16 * Security Advice to GPRS Users
  • SG.17 * GRX Security Requirements
  • SG.18 * Functional Description of CEIR
Further Information



Updated by admin over 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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