



T-View 100 » History » Revision 3

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manawyrm, 02/18/2022 10:45 PM

T-View 100

T-View 100 was a video telephone, made by Deutsche Telekom / Siemens.


Video/Interfacing PCB:
Main video / interfacing PCB

Telephone PCB:
Telephone PCB

Display/Camera PCB:
Display/camera unit PCB

Common faults

- Faulty display hotbar
Symptoms: Missing (pixel) rows / columns on the (24x2) character LCD.

- Faulty capacitors
Symptoms: Crashing, low display contrast, flickering LEDs, poor video quality, mains hum on the speakers

Phone disassembly

The bottom cover plate has 6 philips screws and is clipped together at the bottom. Use multiple guitar picks to get them free.
The plastic does not seem to be brittle (yet), some force is OK.

Backside of the T-View 100, cover plate with 6 screws

Backside of the main video / interfacing PCB is visible under the cover plate:
View after removing the cover plate, backside of the main video / interfacing PCB

Lift the video / interfacing PCB out by pulling it straight up, it's connected via a rigid interface PCB (but not screwed down):
Interconnect PCB between the video/interfacing and telephone PCBs

Unscrew the 7 philips screws attaching the plastic shield. Be careful with the speaker wires on the right, they are not detachable!
Lift the plastic shield out of the way to the right. When re-assembling, make sure the hook-mechanism and speaker are correctly in-place.
Cover plate over the telephone PCB with 7 screws

Updated by manawyrm over 2 years ago · 3 revisions

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