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laforge, 11/22/2022 12:50 PM

RS232 vs ITU-T V.24 Signal Names

There are unfortunately a lot of different terms/names used for serial interfaces, depending on which context/spec you are looking at. This table provides a mapping of the most common signals between different specs:

Common Name RS232 ITU-T V.24 Description
GND AB 102 Signal/System Ground
TXD BA 103 Received data
RXD BB 104 Transmitted data
RTS CA 105 Request to Send
CTS CB 106 Claer to Send
DSR CC 107 Data Set Ready
DTR CD 108/2 Data Terminal Ready
CD CF 109 Carrier detect
- - 113 Transmitter signal element timing (DTE source)
- - 114 Transmitter signal element timing (DCE source)
- - 115 Receiver signal element timing (DCE source)
RI CE 125 Ring Indicator
- - 133 Ready for receiving

Full ITU V.24 table

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago · 2 revisions

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