


Possio greta GSM Fax » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (laforge, 03/01/2024 05:52 PM) → Revision 3/5 (laforge, 03/01/2024 06:04 PM)

h1. Possio greta GSM Fax 

 _greta_ is a model of a GSM Fax machine sold by the Swedish company Possio 

 GSM Fax is an adaptation of G3 _where the modem is replaced with digital transmission_ using GSM CSD (Circuit Switched Data). For more information about this, see [[cellular-infrastructure:CSD]]. 

 {{thumbnail(DSC00539.JPG, size=500)}} 
 {{thumbnail(DSC00546.JPG, size=500)}} 


 h2. Hardware 

 h3. Separating body from keyboard/display unit 

 After loosening four philips screws from the bottom side, the top part with pushbuttonds + LCD can be removed from the bottom part containing all other major parts: 

 {{thumbnail(DSC00541.JPG, size=500)}} 
 {{thumbnail(DSC00550.JPG, size=500)}} 

 h3. Battery Pack 

 The 6-cell NiMH battery pack can be easily removed 

 {{thumbnail(DSC00553.JPG, size=500)}} 

 h3. Base unit with and without battery pack holder 

 {{thumbnail(DSC00554.JPG, size=500)}} 
 {{thumbnail(DSC00559.JPG, size=500)}} 

 h3. Scanner/Printer unit 

 {{thumbnail(DSC00563.JPG, size=500)}}
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