


LOEWE MultiTel-D » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (manawyrm, 10/04/2023 09:55 PM) → Revision 2/3 (manawyrm, 10/04/2023 10:07 PM)

h1. LOEWE MultiTel-D 

 *Warning!* MultiTel-D devices contain a +Lithium backup battery+ , which will leak catastrophically and "destroy the entire device": 
 The battery is contained on the SRAM module, which can be removed without tools by unclipping the top cover, removing the holding bracket and then just unplugging the module. 

 {{thumbnail(IMG_8434.jpg)}} {{thumbnail(IMG_8438.jpg)}} 

 h2. Information 

 "Users Manual": Manual": 
 "Service Manual": Manual (Schematics, PCB layout, Pinouts) Pinouts)": 

 h2. Features 

 - BTX/videotex terminal 
 - 80-character ASCII terminal mode (with ANSI-sequence support) 
 - external RS232 for faster modem, ISDN TA, direct PC connection 
 - DB25/parallel port printer interface 
 - black/white CRT 

 h2. Battery replacement 

 The SRAM backup battery (used for configuration, bookmarks, macro, etc. storage) can be replaced with a CR2032 coin cell battery. 

 A Q&J CR2032-BS-6-1 holder (LCSC #C70377) seems to fit pretty well:   

 {{thumbnail(IMG_8505 (1).JPG)}} {{thumbnail(IMG_8510.jpg)}}  

 h2. External modem/ISDN TA interface 

 RS232 (V.24) port on the back can be used to connect via modems with up to 9600 baud. 
 An ISDN TA can also be used. ELSA MicroLink ISDN was used successfully: 

 {{thumbnail(IMG_8522.jpg)}} {{thumbnail(IMG_8524.jpg)}} {{thumbnail(IMG_8529.jpg)}}  

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