


Isdn4linux historical CVS archive » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (laforge, 04/18/2022 03:24 PM) → Revision 2/3 (laforge, 04/18/2022 03:26 PM)

h1. Isdn4linux historical CVS archive 

 Thanks to Fritz Elfert, we were able to acquire a full CVS backup of the no-longer-accessible CVS server 

 We manually created mapping tables for CVS user names to real names / e-mail addresses and used "cvs2git" to import those into git repositories. 

 The results can be found in our "gitea":, individual repositories linked below: 

 * "capi4linux": (original CVS name @NC4Linux@) 
 * "isdn4linux": (original CVS name @isdn@) 
 * "idsn4k-utils": (use _cvsimport_ branch) 
 * "isdnfax": 
 * "mISDN": 
 * "mISDNuser": (use _cvsimport_ branch) 
 * "web":
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