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nt2mku, 07/18/2024 09:25 AM


After turning on the first BAP, the corresponding BCT terminal will display initial boot options. In most cases, you can get the system running with these steps:
  1. Select to continue (and do not run any diagnostics): Enter ";"
  2. Select to boot manually: Enter "MAN;"
  3. System displays discovered APS files on both SCSI drives.
    1. Select the IOC corresponding to the drive of the desired APS: Enter "IOC-0;" or "IOC-1;"
    2. Enter the APS file, e.g.: "12341234;"
  4. Force the initialisation of peripherals: Enter "FORCED;"

System will display "BAP-x is loading APS" now. Afterwards, it loads the software to LTG processors. The terminal will not process any further terminal inputs until completing LTG loading.

The whole boot process until finishing LTG loading takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

If there is no terminal output at all, you can use the Maintenance Panel (MP:CP113C) to observe boot steps. Connect it to the processor power converter and to the lower MP-connector of the BAP PEX.

Updated by nt2mku 5 days ago · 2 revisions

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