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laforge, 10/23/2022 02:10 PM

Bintec X1200

The Bintec X1200 is a ISDN router featuring two ISDN BRI lines on the WAN side and a single ethernet connecton on the LAN side.

It apparently supports remote CAPI (CAPI over TCP).


  • Motorola XPC860DTZP50D3 PowerPC processor
  • Samsung K4S643232C-TC10 SDRAM
  • Sharp LH28F016SCHT-L95 Flash
  • Infineon PSB2115H V1.1 IPAC ISDN Interface IC
  • Lucent LU3x31FT2J80 Ethernet Transceiver IC
  • LevelOne LXT905LC Ethernet PHY
  • Maxim MAX202ECWE RS232 trasnceiver IC
  • Maxim DS1314S NVRAM controller IC
  • 5.5V 1.0F supercap (for NVRAM)

Serial Console

Power up

### X1200 (Hardware-Rev. 1.2, Firmware-Rev. 6.0) ###

CPU   Check ... passed (MPC 8XXT D3)
SDRAM Check ........ passed (8 MByte)
FLASH Check .. passed (2 MByte)
ISDN  Check ... passed
100BT Check ... passed
10BT  Check ... passed

### Selftest passed ###

Press <sp> for boot monitor or any other key to boot system


X1200 Bootmonitor V.6.2 Rev. 8 from 2003/01/23 00:00:00
Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by BinTec Communications AG

(1) Boot System
(2) Software Update via TFTP
(3) Software Update via XMODEM
(4) Delete Configuration
(5) Default Bootmonitor Parameters
(6) Show System Information

Your Choice> 6

### Start System information ###
Identification:              BINTEC X1000
Hardware:                    1.2
Serial:                      X1B120000370449
Ethernet MAC 100BT:          00:a0:f9:02:4b:70
Flash:                        2047 K/byte
RAM:                          8127 K/byte
### Current Software
Logik:                       6.0
Bootmon:                     V.6.2 Rev. 8 from 2003/01/23 00:00:00
Boss:                        6.2.5
### more info
ID:                          X1B
Name:                        X1200
Company (short):             BINTEC
Type:                        X1200
Company (long):              BinTec Communications AG
Features:                    0
### End System information ###
Your Choice> 4
Deleting the configuration will reset your router to factory state.
Ready to continue ? (y or n) ? y
Delete configuration now ? (y or n) ? y
Configuration deleted

firmware booting

Booting Image from Flash ROM
Checking image ... OK
Writing image to RAM (Release 6.2.5) .............................................................................................................................. OK (3990772 bytes)
Booting BOSS...
boss image started at 0x212400

BOSS PPC kernel v2.0 (X1200)
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by BinTec Communications AG
Version V.6.2 Rev. 5 (Patch 1) IPSec V. 2.1.1 from 2002/10/17 00:00:00

The system is coming up.

Speed index... 49.81 MIPS

The system is ready.

  1     date Sat May 28 21:42:55 2016 done
  1     configd   SystemId: X1B120000370449  Cfg: (default) done
  10    isdnd background
  11    isdnautocf background
  20    x25swd background
  21    mpxd background
  50    ipd background
  51    snmpd background
  51    telnetd background
  51    syslogd background
  51    minipadd background
  51    txd background
  67    pppxd background
  68    pppoed background
  69    tud background
  70    radiusd background
  70    pppd background
  90    timed background
  97    ipalived background
  98    statusd background
  99    bootpd background
  99    ddnsd background
  99    traced background
  99    dnsd background
  99    resolvd background
  99    isdnlogind background
  99    vcapid background
  99    ipsecd background

Default login credentials after erasing config

User: admin, Password: bintec

Remote CAPI

bintec supports Remote CAPI, i.e. clients on the LAN can use CAPI encapsulated over TCP in order to utilize the ISDN capabilities of the BinTec router.

Unfortunately, Linux libcapi20 contains a bug regarding the message header length. You need to apply the following fix in order to make libcapi20 interoperate:

In order to use rcapi, you have to put a line like this in your ~/.capi20rc:

REMOTE rcapi 2662

where is the IP address of te BinTec router.

capiinfo then will show somsething like this:

Number of Controllers : 1
Controller 1:
Manufacturer: BinTec Access Networks GmbH
CAPI Version: 1073741826.1229996355
Manufacturer Version: 825110816.808333871
Serial Number: 1510449
BChannels: 2
Global Options: 0x00000019
   internal controller supported
   DTMF supported
   Supplementary Services supported
B1 protocols support: 0x00000047
   64 kbit/s with HDLC framing
   64 kbit/s bit-transparent operation
   V.110 asynconous operation with start/stop byte framing
   56 kbit/s bit-transparent operation
B2 protocols support: 0x00001a2b
   ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP)
   LAPD with Q.921 for D channel X.25 (SAPI 16)
   Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
   V.120 asyncronous mode
   V.120 bit-transparent mode
   LAPD with Q.921 including free SAPI selection
B3 protocols support: 0x0000000f
   T.90NL, T.70NL, T.90
   ISO 8208 (X.25 DTE-DTE)
   X.25 DCE

  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Supplementary services support: 0x0000003d
   Hold / Retrieve
   Call Forwarding
   Call Deflection

Updated by laforge over 1 year ago · 5 revisions

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