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laforge, 02/20/2022 02:22 PM

Auerswald COMmander Basic2 Electronics


Auerswald_COMB2_mainboard1.jpg Auerswald_COMB2_mainboard2.jpg Auerswald_COMB2_mainboard_detail.jpg

8 S0 Module

As can be seen clearly on the picutre, it uses the CologneChip HFC-8S 8-port S/T interface IC. There's a lattice glue logic chip for interfacing with the backplane bus, and the analog frontend + magnetics sections for 8 ports. Four ports have jumper blocks to change the NT/TE cross-over, while the other 4 ports are static.

Auerswald_COMmander_8S0_top.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_8S0_bottom.jpg

4 S0 Module

This isba basically just a partially populated 8S0 module, using a HFC-4S chip instead of the HFC-8S.

Auerswald_COMmander_4S0.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_4S0_top.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_4S0_bottom.jpg

8 a/b Module

Auerswald_COMmander_8ab_top.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_9ab_bottom.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_8ab.jpg

S2M Module

The S2M (PRI) module is centered around an Infineon PEF2256E FALC56 chip. This is one of the most common E1 framers on the market.

The glue logic for interfacing with the backplane/bus is implemented in a Xilinx CPLD.

Auerswald_COMmander_S2M_top.jpg Auerswald_COMmander_S2m_bottom.jpg

Updated by laforge over 2 years ago · 4 revisions

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