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laforge, 05/13/2019 06:05 PM

Auserswald COMmander Basic2

laforge bought an "Auerswald COMmander Basic 2" PBX for purposes of building a small ISDN/PSTN network.

It currently has the following cards installed:
1x E1 port (for connection to e.g. a E1 RAS server)
4x S0 ports (for ISDN cards, each S0 port can host two 64k dialup)
8x S0 ports (for ISDN cards, each S0 port can host two 64k dialup)
8x a/b ports (for analog modems)
8x Up0 ports (like Uk0 but different, not directly usable without converters)

Updated by laforge about 5 years ago · 1 revisions

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