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manawyrm, 06/07/2022 04:19 PM


The RE-AOL project has done some fantastic work in reverse-engineering and writing a new server backend for old AOL clients.
They are providing a TCP server, which will speak the AOL propritary P3 protocol.

The same P3 protocol was also used over dialup and ISDN lines back in the day.
manawyrm offers AOL 3.0 compatible access to RE-AOL in the OCTOI network at 030 1234 3063.

Video of a 56k V.90 dialup onto RE-AOL

The RE-AOL project itself is still pretty young and they seem to be missing a website. Most of their development seems to be happening in a Discord channel:

AOL access via modem

The AOL client software has a folder called "ccl" (communication control language?), which contains a number of scripts for different countries and access providers.
The default AOLnet provider requires the following procedure:
After the modem connect, the remote side sends: "ANSnet\r\nlogin:", to which the AOL client responds with "aol".
The remote side will then send "connected" and start speaking the P3 protocol (for example by connecting the socket over to

Updated by manawyrm about 2 years ago · 3 revisions

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