


Installation » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (fixeria, 09/06/2018 01:50 PM) → Revision 6/7 (fixeria, 09/06/2018 01:53 PM)

h1. Software installation 

 The signal processing part is based on [[gr-gsm:]] project, which is represented by a set of "GNU Radio": blocks for GSM. So, first of all you need to install "GNU Radio": with compiled-in "UHD driver": support. 

 h2. 1. "UHD driver": 

 Follow the "Installing and/or Building UHD" section of official project documentation. After the installation, make sure that your device is recognized properly: 

 $ uhd_find_devices 
 $ uhd_usrp_probe 

 h2. 2. "GNU Radio": 

 Follow the official documentation describing the process of "installing GNU Radio": 

 Please note that despite "GNU Radio": is available as a binary package on most Linux distributions, such binaries may be outdated. *Make sure the version you're installing is up to date!* It is also possible to "build GNU Radio from source": 

 As soon as you have done, make sure you have at least the following components: 

 * python-support 
 * gr-digital 
 * gr-filter 
 * gr-blocks 
 * gr-uhd 

 You can use the following command to get build info: 

 $ gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components 

 h2. 3. [[GR-GSM:]] transceiver 

 The transceiver implementation is a part of the master branch of [[GR-GSM:]] now. The information about installation process and list of dependences can be found in the [[gr-gsm:Installation|project's wiki]]. We recommend to build it from source: 

 # Get the source code 
 $ git clone git:// 
 $ cd gr-gsm/ 

 # Configure and compile 
 $ mkdir build 
 $ cd build 
 $ cmake .. 
 $ make 

 # Install 
 $ sudo make install 
 $ sudo ldconfig 

 The transceiver logic is represented by the following flow graph: 


 h2. 4. [[OsmocomBB:]] 

 You need to compile OsmocomBB with the [[OsmocomBB:TRX_Interface|TRX interface]] support. Please refer the corresponding [[OsmocomBB:TRX_Interface|wiki page]].
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