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ptrkrysik, 09/06/2018 09:46 AM

Software installation

The signal processing part is based on gr-gsm project, which is represented by a set of GNU Radio blocks for GSM. So, first of all you need to install GNU Radio with compiled-in UHD driver support.

1. UHD driver

Follow the "Installing and/or Building UHD" section of official project documentation. After the installation, make sure that your device is recognized properly:

$ uhd_find_devices
$ uhd_usrp_probe

2. GNU Radio

Despite GNU Radio is available as a binary package on some distributions, we recommend to build the latest release version from source. Please follow the corresponding building guide.

During the build configuration process, make sure you have the following components:

  • python-support
  • gr-digital
  • gr-filter
  • gr-blocks
  • gr-uhd

For binary or already installed builds, use the following command to get build info:

$ gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components

3. Gr-gsm transceiver

The transceiver implementation is a part of the master branch of gr-gsm now. The information about installation process and list of dependences can be found in the project's wiki. We also recommend to build it from source:

# Get the source code
$ git clone git://
$ cd gr-gsm/

# Configure and compile
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

# Install
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

The transceiver logic is represented by the following flow graph:

4. OsmocomBB

You need to compile OsmocomBB with the TRX interface support. Please refer the corresponding wiki page.

Updated by ptrkrysik almost 6 years ago · 1 revisions

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