



TektronixK1103 » History » Revision 2

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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM
grammar fixes and copyright note

= Tektronix K1103 =


The Protocol Tester K1103 has been developed for network supervision and network analysis of CCS#7, GSM, CDMA, ISDN D-channel, X.25 and V5.x protocols. A maximum of four different PCM links (T1/S2M) or V./X. links with up to eight signaling links (64 kbit/s, 56 kbit/s, 16 kbit/s) can be supervised simultaneously. More details [ here] - unfortunately the service manual isn't public and I'm not allowed to upload it somewhere.

Indirect access to 4 of this machines can be given trough [mailto: Holger].

Pinout of the E-1 interface

Monitor A:

Pin Purpose
9 RX+B
5 RX-B
6 RX+A
1 RX-A
2,3,4 GND

A = E-1-Linecard -> BTS
B = BTS -> E-1-Linecard

Monitor C:

Pin Purpose
9 RX+D
5 RX-D
6 RX+C
1 RX-C
2,3,4 GND


Telephone socket

Telephone socket:

Pin Purpose
1 mic input ()
2 hearer output ()
3 hearer output (
4 mic input ()

Updated by over 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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