


Osmo-sip-connector » History » Revision 24

Revision 23 (dexter, 02/06/2017 03:32 PM) → Revision 24/87 (dexter, 02/06/2017 03:33 PM)

h1. Osmo-sip-connector 

 h2. Introduction 

 osmo-sip-connector translates between MNCC and SIP protocols. It does not handle RTP by itself but with the help of external SIP server it can be used for tests. 

 Sample configuration: 

   socket-path /tmp/bsc_mncc 
   local 5069 
   remote 5060 

 Running osmo-sip-connector: 
 osmo-sip-connector -c ~/.config/osmocom/osmo-sip-connector.cfg 

 Running NITB: 
 ./src/osmo-nitb/osmo-nitb -c ~/.config/osmocom/open-bsc.cfg -l ~/.config/osmocom/hlr.sqlite3 -d DLMUX:DRTP -m 

 The configuration above assumes that SIP server is running on the same machine. Attached is example configuration file for Kamailio SIP server which can be used to route calls between mobile phones. It also handles 2 special numbers 500 (routed to and 600 (routed to by dialing them you can use echo test or hear nice music from your mobile. 

 *Note:* in attached kamailio.cfg, for 64bit systems, you may need to adjust 

 N. B: Those numbers are meant only as an example for quick tests - please consider running your own Asterisk instance if you expect more than couple of calls, do not abuse 

 h2. Asterisk howto 

 This howto was created and tested using Debian 8.7.1. It is assumed that there is already a working installation of osmo-nitb already exists. In the following steps we will show how to integrate an existing installation with asterisk using osmo-sip-connector. The following image illustrates how the network components wile be laid out: 

 digraph G{ 
   //rankdir = LR; 
   Phone -> BTS [label = "Um"]; 
   BTS -> "osmo-nitb" [label = "A.bis"]; 
   "osmo-nitb" -> "osmo-sip-connector" [label = "mncc"]; 
   "osmo-sip-connector" -> "asterisk" [label = "sip"]; 
   "BTS" -> "asterisk" [label = "rtp"]; 

 h3. Preparations 

 As we assume that we use an existing and working osmo-nitb configuration as a starting point most of the relevant dependencies are already installed. However, we still miss osmo-sip-connector and asterisk as a major components. 

 h4. Install dependancies 

 The extension we are about to make requires to install some additional packages. 
 sudo apt-get install libsofia-sip-ua-glib-dev 
 sudo apt-get install asterisk 

 h4. Install osmo-sip-connector 

 The installation of osmo-sip-connector is as straight forward as you know it already from other osmocom projects: 
 git clone git:// 
 cd osmo-sip-connector/ 
 autoreconf -fi 
 sudo make install 

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