



OsmoCon 2018: Make your Submission Now!

Added by laforge about 6 years ago

one of the difficulties with OsmoCon2017 last year was that almost nobody submitted talks / discussions within the deadline, early enough to allow for proper planning.

This lead to the situation where the sysmocom team had to come up with a schedule/agenda on their own. Later on much after the CfP deadline,people then squeezed in talks, making the overall schedule too full.

It is up to you to avoid this situation again in 2018 at OsmoCon2018 by submitting your talk RIGHT NOW. We will be very strict regarding late submissions. So if you would like to shape the Agenda of OsmoCon 2018, this is your chance. Please use it.

We will have to create a schedule soon, as [almost] nobody will register to a conference unless the schedule is known. If there's not sufficient contribution in terms of CfP response from the wider community, don't complain later that 90% of the talks are from sysmocom team members and only about the Cellular Network Infrastructure topics.

You have been warned. Please make your CfP submission in time at before the CfP deadline on 2018-05-30 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)

Thanks for your kind attention.

All OsmoDevCon 2018 Videos Released (1 comment)

Added by laforge about 6 years ago

All of the video recordings made at the recent 2018 Osmocom Developer Conference (OsmoDevCon2018) have meanwhile been released.

You can find the recordings at with a back-up at this youtube playlist

Please excuse the bad audio quality in the Welcome to OsmoDevCon 2018 talk. We didn't pay attention to the clipping and only resolved it towards the end of that talk. All other videos have proper audio quality.

OsmoDevCon 2018 concludes

Added by laforge over 6 years ago

Today, OsmoDevCon2018, the annual Osmocom developer meeting concluded. It featured four days of exciting talks and discussions about open source mobile communications, by developers for developers.

The final schedule containing all 41 individual presentations/discussions/workshops of the four days can be found at

Thanks to c3voc (the CCC Video team), we have audio+video recordings. Almost all presentations (up to speaker discretion) will be released soon. We will publish another news item once the videos are released.

We'd like to extend our thanks to
  • the 20 speakers (at 25 attendees, that's 80%!)
  • the sponsor sysmocom for organization, covering all lunch + dinner catering as well as some travel funding
  • Lime Microsystems for donating 15 LimeSDR-mini to OsmoDevCon 2018 attendees
  • c3voc for their video recording
  • IN-Berlin for venue hosting (Sat-Mon)
  • CCC Berlin for venue hosting (Fri)

Video recordings of the talks will become available step by step at

OsmoCon2018: Save the date + Call for Participation

Added by laforge over 6 years ago

OsmoCon 2018

OsmoCon (Osmocom Conference) 2018 is the technical conference for Osmocom users, operators and developers!

We are happy to announce the date of OsmoCon 2018. It has been scheduled on October 18 + 19, 2018 and will happen in Berlin, Germany.

For the second time, the Osmocom Conference brings together users, operators and developers of the Osmocom Open Source cellular infrastructure projects, such as OsmoBTS, OsmoBSC, OsmoSGSN, OpenGGSN and others.

Join us for two days of presentations and discussions with the main developers behind Open Source Mobile Communications, as well as commercial and non-profit users of the Osmocom cellular infrastructure software.

You can find some initial information in our wiki at OsmoCon 2018, which will be updated as more information becomes available.

Call for Participation

We're also at the same time announcing the Call for Participation and call on everyone with experiences to share around the Osmocom member projects to submit talks, workshops, discussions or other proposals.

We are particularly looking for contributions about:

  • updates on features/functionality/status of individual Osmocom projects
  • success stories on how Osmocom projects are deployed in practice
  • migration from OsmoNITB to the post-NITB architecture
  • tutorials / workshops on how to setup / analyze Osmocom projects
  • statistics, reporting, operations aspects of Osmocom projects
  • third-party open source utilities to be used with Osmocom projects

OsmoDevCon introduces pretalx conference planning (1 comment)

Added by laforge over 6 years ago

OsmoDevCon has successfully introduced the (obviously free/open source software) pretalx conference planning system for the schedule planning of the upcoming OsmoDevCon2018 conference.

All participants of OsmoDevCon submitting a talk have been receiving e-mails asking to confirm their respective talks/workshops using a confirmation link to the pretalx website.

We are planning to use pretalx for other upcoming events and would like to extend our thanks to the pretalx developers!

OsmoDevCon 2018 Announced

Added by laforge over 6 years ago

The 2018 incarnation of OsmoDevCon, the annual meeting for Osmocom developers has been scheduled for April 20-23, 2018 and will be held at the usual venue at IN-Berlin in Berlin, Germany.

For more information and Registration as well as submitting your talk proposals, see OsmoDevCon2018 and this mailing list thread

Contrary to OsmoDevCon, the date and venue for the user-oriented OsmoCon is still to be determined. It will be expanded from one to two days. Stay tuned for more news soon.

Talks on OpenCellular and Community Cellular Manager

Added by laforge over 7 years ago

We are happy to announce that the OsmoCon2017 schedule has just become even more exciting with the addition of two talks on two projects that relate to Osmocom: OpenCellular (as a hardware platform to run OsmoBTS, OsmoBSC, OsmoNITB, ...) and Community Cellular Manager as a software to manage Osmocom-based cellular networks.

Join us at OsmoCon2017 on April 21st, 2017 in Berlin for a full day schedule on Osmocom cellular infrastructure topics!

Community Cellular Manager

CCM is a software management and deployment suite enabling the operation of small-scale cellular networks that can also be used with the OpenCellular platform we announced in June. It makes it possible for organizations with limited technical capacity to leverage OpenCellular or third-party radio access network (RAN) solutions to build small-scale cellular networks in their own communities. See here for more information (and source code!).

Speaker: Shaddi Hasan (Facebook)


OpenCellular is an open source and cost-effective, software-defined wireless access platform (for GSM BTS and other standards), aimed to improve connectivity in remote areas of the world. See here for more information about OpenCellular.

Speaker: Kashif Ali (Facebook)

OsmoCon 2017 updates: Schedule, Travel Grants

Added by laforge over 7 years ago

OsmoCon 2017 updates

There are some updates related to OsmoCon2017, the first Osmocom Conference, held on April 21st, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.


Summary (for those too busy to read the full post):
  • Schedule of talks has been released
  • Travel Grants available for participants who are otherwise unable to travel to Berlin
  • Social Event details available, including menu
  • April 21st is approaching fast, make sure you get your Ticket in time. Limited number of seats available.


Schedule has been release

The list of talks with their abstracts has been on the website for quite some time, but now we actually have put together a schedule based on those talks.

Please see OsmoCon2017 for the schedule.

As you can see, the day is fully packed with talks about Osmocom cellular infrastructure projects. We had to cut some talk slots short (30min instead of 45min), but I'm confident that it is good to cover a wider range of topics, while at the same time avoiding fragmenting the audience with multiple tracks.

Travel Grants

We are happy to announce that we have received donations to permit for providing travel grants!

This means that any attendee who is otherwise not able to cover their travel to OsmoCon 2017 (e.g. because their interest in Osmocom is not related to their work, or because their employer doesn't pay the travel expenses) can now apply for such a travel grant.

For more details see OsmoCon2017_TravelGrants and/or contact .

Social Event

Tech Talks are nice and fine, but what many people enjoy even more at conferences is the informal networking combined with good food. For this, we have the social event at night, which is open to all attendees.

See more details about it at OsmoCon2017_SocialEvent.


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