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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM
Create NAT config page.


This page is a reference fo all VTY commands that you can use interactively on the OpenBSC VTY telnet interface.

In addition, the same commands are used for the configuration file.

configuration reference

=== nat level ===
Configure the nat. Global settings

==== imsi allow [IMSI] ==== * By default all IMSIs are allowed. To revert back to this state call imsi allow without any argument * The allow will be evaluated before the deny option.

==== imsi deny [IMSI] ==== * By default no IMSIs are denied. To revert back to this state call imsi deny without any argument * The deny will be evaluated after the whitelist.

==== bsc BSC_NR ==== * Configure the BSC with the number

===== lac <0-65535> ===== * Set the location area code that this BSC is handling

===== token TOKEN ===== * A token for the BSC. The real bsc needs to send this token to use the lac and other filters. This is no real authentication or security scheme.

===== imsi allow [IMSI] ===== * By default all IMSIs are allowed. To revert back to this state call imsi allow without any argument * The allow will be evaluated before the deny option. * The BSC config applies before the network config.

===== imsi deny [IMSI] ===== * By default no IMSIs are denied. To revert back to this state call imsi deny without any argument * The deny will be evaluated after the whitelist. * The BSC config applies before the network config.

Updated by over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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