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laforge, 04/25/2018 12:11 PM
half-way migration to osmo-ggsn, more work needed

OsmoGGSN and Linux Kernel accelerated GTP-U

OsmoGGSN has support to use the Linux kernel GTP-U code to accelerate the data/user plane while still implementing the control plane (GTP-C) in userspace in OpenGGSN.

For more information about the Linux kernel GTP-U code, please see linux-kernel-gtp-u

Building OsmoGGSN with kernel which has GTP-U support

At the time of writing (2017-01-09) of this wiki, below listed distributions have support of GTP kernels :

  • Debian 4.9.1-1~exp1 - Debian's latest experimental build
  • Ubuntu 16.10 kernel 4.8
  • OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (stable) 4.8 (.12)
  • Fedora 25 kernel 4.8

Following two Debian kernels do not activate GTP kernel module during build: 4.8.0 and 4.9.0.

Check if package libc-ares-dev is installed and if not please add it.

Ubuntu 16.10, kernel 4.8.0-30-generic is used.

Installing dependencies and build library libosmocore

You can install required dependency packages with:

sudo apt install libtalloc-dev libpcsclite-dev

Please follow instructions provided at Build from source in order to install libosmocore

Installing dependencies and build library libgtpnl

You can install dependencies with:

sudo apt install libmnl-dev

Then build libgtpnl like this

git clone git://
cd libgtpnl
autoreconf -fi
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig


Build OsmoGGSN like this:

git clone git://
cd osmo-ggsn
./configure --enable-gtp-linux
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Following message is shown at end of the command: ./configure --enable-gtp-linux

OsmoGGSN Configuration:
  GTP Linux kernel support:            yes

This means that appropriate header files are available.

Using OpenGGSN with kernel which has GTP-U support

In order to find out whether gtp.ko module is available we can enter following command:

find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name gtp.ko

Output below shows that gtp.ko module is present:


We are loading module gtp from kernel issuing command:

sudo modprobe gtp

when you enter:

lsmod | grep gtp

then more information about gtp and related udp tunnel can be obtained:

gtp                    28672  0
udp_tunnel             16384  1 gtp

Some helpful tools are available in: libgtpnl/tools

you can get more details about gtp-tunnel, entering command from the OpenGGSN shell:

sudo ./gtp-tunnel list

Output will be similar to:

version 1 tei 1/0 ms_addr sgsn_addr

Note: OsmoGGSN is started by:

sudo osmo-ggsn -c osmo-ggsn.conf

Related output should be similar to the one shown below:


You can now start to establish PDP contexts to your new osmo-ggsn instance, from OsmoSGSN, sgsnemu or third-party SGSNs

Updated by laforge about 6 years ago · 5 revisions

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