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dexter, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM

The ethernet dummload

To lower the risk of interfering with a commercial network operator you should operate your BS11 with a dummyload. We discovered that an old ethernet terminator can do the job. It is just a 50Ohms resistor - exactly what we need.

Image(ethernetDummyload_parts.JPG, width=300px)

To connect the terminator to the BS11 you need an N-Connector to BNC adaptor. Just put them together and you have a nice dummload for your BTS.

Image(ethernetDummyload_puttogether.JPG, width=300px)

Image(ethernetDummyload_inuse.JPG, width=300px)

Updated by dexter over 8 years ago · 3 revisions

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