


QandAs » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM) → Revision 2/11 (Anonymous, 04/22/2017 04:04 PM)

= Questions and Answers = 

 == Do I need a USRP? == 

 The USRP is not essential. You can use sample files collected by others or one of a number of alternative hardware approaches. If you already have a suitable radio receiver you can even interface to it to via your PC's soundcard. Check out the HardwarePage for a short write-up of approaches people are investigating.  

 == How do I install OP25? == 

 At present you can only install OP25 from source. Check the BuildInstructionsPage for details. 

 == Why are you guys so s-l-o-w? == 

 Well, we're a part-time hobby effort by a couple of enthusiasts. If you want to speed us up please feel free to help. 

 == How can I help? == 

 We're looking for help with coding, testing, hardware, advice, donations or whatever you can. Error-correcting codes abound in P25 so any help is especially welcome there. 
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