


Serving applications as TCP sockets » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (manawyrm, 05/01/2022 11:36 PM) → Revision 2/4 (manawyrm, 05/01/2022 11:44 PM)

h1. Serving applications as TCP sockets 

 systemd has become the standard init system on most Linux machines.  
 One lesser known feature is ability to serve TCP sockets and launch arbitrary services on connection. 
 This was usually done using inetd/xinetd in the past. 

 More information about inetd-replacement of systemd can be found at: 

 h2. Hello World example 

 Create <code>/etc/systemd/system/octoi-helloworld.socket</code> with the following content:<pre><code content: 
 <pre><code class="ini"> 
 Description=OCTOI HelloWorld Socket for Per-Connection Servers 


 <code class="ini">ListenStream=</code> is the TCP port on which the service should run. 
 <code class="ini">Accept=yes</code> causes systemd to accept() incoming connections directly. This could also be done by the service later on.   

 <code>/etc/systemd/system/octoi-helloworld@.service</code> with the following content:<pre><code content: 
 <pre><code class="ini"> 
 Description=OCTOI HelloWorld Socket Per-Connection Server 


 <code class="ini">ExecStart=</code> is the program that will be executed. Notice the - at the beginning, which will get systemd to ignore any non-zero return codes. 
 <code class="ini">StandardInput=socket</code> will redirect any input from the socket to the program. 
 <code class="ini">StandardError=null</code> will redirect any error output to /dev/null. 
 <code class="ini">DynamicUser=true</code> is a very useful feature that will _dynamically dynamically create a new system user and group_ , group, with a new PID/GID for each incoming connection. This is done internally without touching the /etc/passwd file.  
 If the application allows for this, it can be a powerful tool for security (by isolating the processes and minimizing permissions). 
 +Warning: Warning: Applications with <code>DynamicUser</code> <code class="ini">DynamicUser</code> enabled run with their own private <code>/tmp</code> directories. Don't try to exchange files/sockets with other processes there.+ there. 

 systemd can also drop permissions in the usual way, by specifying a fixed user and group: 
 <pre><code class="ini"> 

 Create <code>/opt/</code>: 
 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 echo "Hello World" 

 # Sleep before closing the session to give PortMaster time to flush 
 # all data onto the connection. 
 sleep 5 

 Don't forget to set +x permissions on the shell script. 

 Reload systemds configuration, then enable and start the socket: 
 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 systemctl daemon-reload 
 systemctl enable --now octoi-phonebook.socket 

 systemd is now listening to the TCP port: 
 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 # netstat -tulpen 
 Active Internet connections (only servers) 
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address             Foreign Address           State         User         Inode        PID/Program name     
 tcp6         0        0 :::13063                  :::*                      LISTEN        0            2674600      1/systemd            

 You can check the status (and the number of past connections) with: 
 <pre><code class="shell"> 
 # systemctl status octoi-phonebook.socket 
 ● octoi-helloworld.socket - OCTOI HelloWorld Socket for Per-Connection Servers 
      Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/octoi-helloworld.socket; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) 
      Active: active (listening) since Mon 2022-05-02 01:11:11 CEST; 29min ago 
    Triggers: ● octoi-phonebook@8- 
      Listen: [::]:31337 (Stream) 
    Accepted: 8; Connected: 1; 
       Tasks: 0 (limit: 1131) 
      Memory: 4.0K 
         CPU: 4ms 
      CGroup: /system.slice/octoi-helloworld.socket 

 Mai 02 01:11:11 communityisdn systemd[1]: Listening on OCTOI HelloWorld Socket for Per-Connection Servers. 

 For each open connection, you can see the "Triggers:" line, with the service which has been started for that connection. 
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