



Compile-with-sercomm » History » Revision 4

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gnutoo, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM

To compile nuttx-bb with sercomm, do the following steps: {{{
git clone git://
git clone git://
}}} * Put the gnuarm(for 64bit) or the codesourcery(for 32bit)
in your path(there is a problem with gnuarm for 32bit). * Compile osmocom-bb as usual {{{
cd osmocom-bb/src
cd ../../
}}} * Compile nuttx-bb: {{{
cd nuttx-bb/nuttx/tools/
./ compal_e88/nsh #for compal_e88( gta02 and Motorola W220).
./ compal_e99/nsh #for compal_e99( motorolla c155 )
cd ../
}}} * nuttx.bin is ready for beeing loaded like any other firmware

  • Clone osmocom-bb and nuttx-bb, they must reside in the same directory and you shouldn't change the name of the osmocom-bb directory.

Updated by gnutoo over 8 years ago · 4 revisions

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