


OsmocomMeetingOsmocomMeetingBerlin » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (tsaitgaist, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM) → Revision 5/34 (tsaitgaist, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM)

 = Osmocom User Group Berlin = 

 The Osmocom User Group Berlin is a loose meeting of users and developers related to the various 
 Osmocom sub-projects like OsmocomBB, OpenBSC, SIMtrace, OsmoSDR, OsmoTETRA, etc. 

 == Who? == 

 Anyone with an interest in using and/or contributing or developing Osmocom software or hardware. 

 There is no registration required.    The meeting is free of charge. 

 == When? == 

 The meeting is held bi-weekly on wednesdays from 7pm onwards, starting from April 11, 2012. 

 === Past Next dates === 

  * April 11, 2012: Inaugural meeting. 
  * April 25, 2012: TETRA base station presentation. 
  * May 9, 2012: SIMtrace presentation and workshop. ([attachment:simtrace_meeting.tar.gz slides]) 

 === Next dates === 

 == Where? == 

 We meet at [ Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V.] (Marienstrasse 11, close to S Friedrichstr.). 

 == What? == 

 From 7.30pm through 8.15pm there is a slot for a presentation. 

 From 8.15pm onwards there is open discussion. 

 We may not have presentations every meeting, and even if we have, it may not always last 45mins. 

 == Planning == 

 === Suggested topics === 

 * OsmocomBB 
 * OpenBSC usage / installation 
 * OsmocomTETRA usage / installation 
  * properly including voice decoding support 
 * OpneBSC external interface for fuzzing handests (tobias?) 
 * Motorola TETRA BTS @ CCCB 
 * SIMtrace (kevin?) 
 * OsmoSDR (laforge) 
  * let's wait until the hardware is available 
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