


OsmocomMeetingOsmocomMeetingBerlin » History » Revision 29

Revision 28 (laforge, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM) → Revision 29/34 (laforge, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM)

 = Osmocom User Group Berlin = 

 The Osmocom User Group Berlin is a loose meeting of people with a deep interest in mobile 
 communications systems and protocols.    This primarily includes users and developers related to the various 
 Osmocom sub-projects like OsmocomBB, OpenBSC, SIMtrace, OsmoSDR, OsmoTETRA, etc. 

 == Who? == 

 '''Anyone''' Anyone with an interest in mobile communications protocols. 

 The 'core' of the meeting are typically people using and/or contributing to and/or or developing any of the Osmocom  
 Open Source mobile communications projects. 

 There is no registration required.    The meeting is free of charge. 

 == When? == 

 The meeting has is held on the '''first first and third Wednesday wednesday of each month'''. 


 === Next dates === 

 Please look out for announcements on the openbsc and baseband-devele mailing list. Every meeting will be announced on the mailing list separately. 

 * October 7, 2015 
 * October 21, 2015 
 * November 4, 2015 
 * November 18, 2015 
 * December 2, 2015 
 * December 16, 2015 

 == Where? == 

 We meet at [ Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V.], which is located at 
 * Marienstrasse e.V.] (Marienstrasse 11, 10117 Berlin (on ground floor of the rear building) 
 * walking distance of S+U Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse. 

 There is a door bell labelled 'Chaos Computer Club Berlin'.    Ring it and wait for the door buzzer close to open. S Friedrichstr.). 

 == What? == 

 From 8pm through 8.45pm there is a slot for a presentation. Not every meeting may have a presentation 

 After the presentation (if any), From 9pm onwards there is open discussion. 

 We may not have presentations every meeting. meeting, and even if we have, it may not always last 45mins. 

 == Planning == 

 === Suggested topics for presentations === 

 Development/Hackng related: 

  * Investigate TETRAPOL networks in Berlin 
  * Investigate MPT1327 networks in Berlin 
  * Split MSC part out of OmoNITB 
  * OsmoNITB with 3G hardware / Towards an Iuh interface (2015-10-07) 
  * SIMtrace2 
  * OpenBSC usage / installation 
  * OsmocomTETRA usage / installation 
   * properly including voice decoding support 
  * Motorola TETRA BTS @ CCCB 
  * Introduction / State of Holgers core network code in Smalltalk 

 User topics: 
  * OpenBSC usage / installation 
  * OsmocomTETRA usage / installation 
  * OsmocomBB beginner workshop 
  * SIMtrace beginner workshop
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