


Osmo-lea6t-gps » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (laforge, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM) → Revision 7/12 (laforge, 02/21/2016 10:37 AM)



 h1. osmo-lea6t-gps 


 The swiss makes of GPS receiver chips and modules u-blox has (among others), a line of so-called _timing_ GPS modules. 

 The main difference of such modules compared to the standard modules is their ability to output arbitrary GPS-derived clock 
 signals anywhere between 0.25 Hz and 10 MHz. 

 This allows such modules to be used in a varity of high-precision timing applications where a simpler/traditional approach using 
 regular 1PPS outputs is not sufficient. 

 The Osmocom project has developed an evaluation / development board for the u-blox LEA-6T timing module.    Like all other 
 Osmocom projects, it is fully open source, i.e. schematics and layout files are freely available. 



 h2. Electrical Design 


 h3. Schematics and Layout 


 The most up-to-date versions of the schematics and layout files can be found in the projects git repository which can be 
 browsed at or cloned like this: 
 $ git clone git:// 


 For your convenience, PDF files are also attached to the bottom of this wiki page. 


 h3. Major components 


 * LEA-6T Module ("product page":, "data sheet": 
 * FIXME: add more components here 


 h2. How to use 


 You can connect to it using one of the Osmocom-style serial cables (3.3V UART on 2.5mm audio jack) or using USB.    You will get 
 a serial port that can speak either NMEA or the proprietary UBX protocol. 

 The full protocol is specified in the "u-blox 6 protocol specifiation": 


 h2. Where to buy 


 You can have the PCB etched anywhere you'd like, using the layout data we have provided.    Most of the components 
 are available via distributors like Digikey.    Only the LEA-6T module has to be obtained through an u-blox distributor. 

 Alternatively, "sysmocom": is selling fully assembled boards "in their webshop": 


 h2. Who 


 osmo-lea6t-gps was designed by Sylvain Munaut.    Prototype manufacturing and testing was performed by Harald Welte of sysmocom.
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