


Basic Testing » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (laforge, 10/11/2019 12:20 PM) → Revision 7/8 (osmith, 09/01/2022 12:31 PM)

h1. Basic Testing 

 This page documents some basic testing setup for the Kernel Kenrel GTP-U code. It follows the below rationale: 
 * focus on testing the kernel GTP-U module without too much external dependencies 
 * test GTP-U interoperability of the kernel with at least one other implementation, not just kernel-to-kernel (which currently is not supported in the kernel, as it only implements the GGSN/P-GW role) 
 * limit testing to SGSN/S-GW and GGSN/P-GW, without a real cellular network (which is possible e.g. using [[OsmoSGSN:]] and [[OsmoPCU:]]) 


 h2. Building / Installing dependencies 

 In order to follow below test instructions, you will need 
 * A Linux kernel including the GTP-U driver (@drivers/net/gtp.c@) either compiled-in or as kernel module 
 * [[libgtpnl]] - the userspace library providing an API around the kernel GTP-U netlink interface 
 * [[OpenGGSN:]] - a minimal C-language implementation of a 3GPP GGSN, also contains a SGSN-side emulator called [[OpenGGSN:sgsnemu]] 
 ** make sure you use Version 0.93 or later 
 ** make sure you compile it with @--enable-gtp-linux@ enable during the @./configure@ step 

 You can find some instructions on how to build [[OpenGGSN:]] with support for [[libgtpnl]] and kernel GTP-U at this wiki page: [[OpenGGSN:Kernel_GTP]] 


 h2. Test setup description 

 We will run the GGSN natively on the host, and put the emulated SGSN inside a separate network namespace. 

 The two namespaces are interconnected by a virtual ethernet device using the transfer network 

 The GGSN is configured to provide a pool of IP addresses from the range.    Each PDP context will be allocated one dynamic address from that pool 

 h2. Test instructions 

 h3. create the network namespace for the SGSN 

  ip netns add sgsn 

 h3. add veth to be used between SGSN and GGSN 

  ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1 

 h3. remote (SGSN) side of veth device 

 ip link set veth1 netns sgsn 
 ip netns exec sgsn ip addr add dev veth1 
 ip netns exec sgsn ip link set veth1 up 

 h3. local (GGSN) side of veth device 

 ip addr add dev veth0 
 ip link set veth0 up 


 h3. execute the GGSN on the host 

  ggsn -g -c ./ggsn.conf.test 

 (use the file attachment:ggsn.conf.test) 

 The @-g@ option is responsible for activating kernel-GTP support. If you cannot get the example described in this document to work, try the pure GTP-U userspace implementation by removing @-g@ from the above command line.    If it works then, there's something related to Kernel GTP-U that breaks the setup. 


 h3. execute the emulated SGSN inside the sgsn namespace 

  ip netns exec sgsn sgsnemu -d -r -l --defaultroute --createif 

 h3. verify the existnace of the GTP tunnel 

 ggsn:~# gtp-tunnel list 
 version 1 tei 1/1 ms_addr sgsn_addr 

 h3. further testing 

 in the @sgsn@ namespace, there's now a default-route that points into the GTP tunnel. You can use this to ping any network address that's reachable to the GGSN host.    If that host is connected to the internet, you can e.g. run a ping command from within the namespace using  

  ip netns exec sgsn ping -c 10 

 which will send some IP packets to via the tun0 device (created by [[OpenGGSN:sgsnemu]]). It will be encapsulated by the userspace GTP-U implementation of sgsnemu, sent via the veth device to the host, where it ends up inthe GTP-U kernel module, decapsulating the package and passing in on to the gtp0 device there.    Anything beyond that point depends on your local routing configuration.
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