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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:50 PM

PageOutline = Getting Started =


You must first prepare your system by installing the required development packages.

For debian/ubuntu:

apt-get install build-essential libtool autoconf git-core pkg-config

If you want to capture samples off the air, you'll also need gnuradio and uhd. Installing those is outside the scope of this page, refer to the GNURadio / Ettus documentation.

Compiling the software

=== libosmocore ===

You obviously need to install our main utility library:

git clone git://
cd libosmocore
autoreconf -i -f
make install
cd ..

=== libosmo-sdr ===

Then you need to install our new Software Defined Radio helper library:

git clone git://
cd libosmo-sdr
autoreconf -i -f
make install
cd ..

=== osmo-gmr ===

And finally compile the main Osmocom GMR software stack:

git clone git://
cd osmo-gmr
autoreconf -i -f
cd ..

=== Capture tool ===

The current version of the capture tool is not integrated with the main autotool process yet and has to be built separately:

cd osmo-gmr/utils/gmr_multi_rx
make TARGET=uhd
cd ../../..

There are several possible targets depending on your hardware: * uhd: For using any ettus hardware * usrp: To use the libusrp drivers for the USRP1 hardware * fcdp: To use the specific Fun Cube Dongle Pro drivers

Running the software


Updated by over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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