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Revision 2 (laforge, 03/07/2022 10:17 AM) → Revision 3/4 (laforge, 03/07/2022 11:20 AM)

h1. Open Source IMS client 

 This project is about the current work in progress / exploration of putting together and extending a variety of components in order to implement an open source client for [[IMS]], specifically how it is used in [[VoLTE]] and [[VoWiFi]]. 

 The current work-in-progress bases around the use of modified versions of StronSWAN and [[doubango]]. 

 h2. Current state 

 * using the modified StrongSWAN it is possible to establish the SWu interface for [[VoWiFi]], at least once (something preventst it from working subsequent times). Tested against T-Mobile Germany ePDG. 
 * using the modified [[doubango]], it is possible to perform Initial IMS registration (SIP REGISTER dance with the associated sec-agree key handshake, etc.) against a [[Kamailio IMS Core]]. 

 h2. Current areas of work 

 * SIM card interface in [[doubango]], see #5481 
 * Going beyond SIP REGISTER towards testing actual IMS calls with doubango 
 * clean-up of current patches, making things more stable 

 h2. TODO / next steps 

 * running doubango on top of strongswan for the two nested IPsec tunnels, see #5484 
 * testing doubango against commercial IMS operators (using Strongswan SWu or possibly a LTE modem that allows IMS default bearer establishment) 

 h2. Further wiki pages 

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