


DUL 20 Configuration » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (lynxis, 11/11/2020 10:08 PM) → Revision 3/13 (lynxis, 11/11/2020 10:11 PM)

h1. DUL 20 Configuration 

 The DUL can be configured via 

 * OSS-RC (Ericsson operations support system-radio and core - a centralized server) 
 * EMA (Element Manager - a Windows WebUI utility) 
 * moshell (a javabased command line utility - runs on linux) 
 * ncli (a command line utility which runs on the DUL itself) 

 h2. Configuration tools 

 h3. EMA - Element Manager 

 There are different versions of this tool. An ancient version can be downloaded from the DUL itself: 

 h3. ncli 

 With the ncli basic operations can be performed. However the ncli usually doesn't have a ManagedObject tree loaded which means it doesn't know which attributes an ManagedObject can have. 

 h3. moshell 

 The most powerful tool to configure the DUL. It loads the ManagedObject on startup. But can also operate offline on backups. 
 See [[moshell]] for further information how to install and use it. 

 h2. Backup & Recover 

 A backup of the DUL can be created via ftp and serial. 
 The serial is required to boot into the recovery mode. 

 h3. Boot DUL into recovery Backup 

 Configure the serial connection to **9600** baud (alternative **115200**). 
 Restart the DUL by removing the power for 5 seconds. 
 If the connection is working a boot message is shown: 
 OSE Delta PowerPC/BL410660 
 Start of @(#)CXC1729957 R80L37 2013-02-01 10:34:51 GMT 
 Plug-in Unit Product Name:     DUL2001 
 Plug-in Unit Product No:       KDU137533/4 
 Plug-in Unit Product rev:      R1F 
 Plug-in Unit Product Date:     20120402 
 Plug-in Unit Product Serial: XXXXXXXXXX 
 Ethernet MAC_address 0:        0x3CCAFFEE2342 
 RAM size:                      1024 Mbytes 

 Press enter to show the login prompt `username`. 

 Login using username "rbs" and password "rbs". 
 username: rbs 
 Welcome to OSE Shell OSE5.5. 
 Enter the recovery state: 

 $ reload -- 
 Stop due to remain in basic/backup set 

 Verify the address of the LMT B interface. 

 $ ifconfig 
 le0: inet netmask broadcast 

 If the address is not correct, the address can be set by: 

 $ ifconfig le0 netmask 

 The DUL should be reachable by icmp/ping and ftp. 

 h3. Recover 

 Backup the "partitions" /c and /d from the DUL to be safe. 
 /c and /d contains configuration and system files, application and firmwares. 
 The DUL supports a ftp service. 

 Mount the volume of c2 on the DUL first. 

 $ mount_c2 

 Use your local ftp terminal to get all data. Either graphical client or text. 
 As an example **gftp** (text version) is used in a terminal on the laptop. 

 linux ~> mkdir backup ; cd backup 
 linux ~> gftp rbs:rbs@ 

 linux ~> gftp 
 gFTP 2.0.19, Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Brian Masney <>. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this program, please feel free to email them to me. You can always find out the latest news about gFTP from 
 my website at 
 gFTP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details, see the COPYING file. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details, see the COPYING file 

 Looking up 
 Connected to 
 220 Welcome to OSE FTP server (Version ose5.3). 
 USER rbs 
 230 User logged in. 
 215 UNIX system type. 
 200 Command OK. 
 257 "/" is current directory. 
 Copy /c2 and /d recursive. 

 ftp> mget c2 

 ftp> mget d 
 Depending on the software version and configuration the size can vary. E.g. 300 MB - 800 MB. 

 Restart the node into normal operation. 

 $ reload 

 h2. Understanding ManagedObjects 


 h2. Step-by-Step Configuration Howto using the moshell. 

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