


Wiki » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (laforge, 01/02/2022 05:36 PM) → Revision 4/7 (laforge, 01/02/2022 05:37 PM)


 h1. Welcome to OsmocomDECT 

 OsmocomDECT is an Open Source implementation of a DECT network stack, including drivers for the SC14421/14424 baseband processors. It supports operation as both the Fixed Termination (aka basestation) as well as the Portable Termination (aka telephone) side. 

 * [[Supported_Hardware]]  
 * [[kernel]] -- PHL, MAC and DLC layers 
 * [[libnl]] -- configuration and LLME operations 
 * [[libdect]] -- NWK layer 
 * [[asterisk]] -- Interworking Unit: DECT channel driver 
 * [[Build instructions]] 
 * [[Configuration]] 
 * [[Profile compliance]] 
 * [[Standards]] 
 * [[Proprietary vendor protocols]] 
 * [[Presentations]] 

 h2. Mailing List 

 The mailing list for development and user discussions regarding this project is 

 You can subscribe to this list at 

 h2. Bug reports 

 Please provide bug reports via the mailing list instead of via trac tickets. 
 Bugs that can't be fixed quickly will be added to the ticket system. 

 h2. Software 

 The source code is available in these git repositories: 

 * kernel: git:// 
 * libnl: git:// 
 * libdect: git:// 
 * asterisk: git:// 
 * libpcap: git:// 
 * dectmon: git:// 
 * asl: git:// 

 Use @git clone <URL>@ to clone a repository. The kernel changes are also provided in patch form under [[Patches]]. 

 The source code can be viewed online at 

 h2. Related Projects 

 * -- deDECTed 
 * -- Open Source GSM Baseband implementation 
 * -- Open Source GSM Basestation implementation 

 h1. Index of child pages 

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