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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM

PageOutline = sysmoUSIM-SJS1 =

The sysmoUSIM-SJS1 is programmable and Java capable USIM card. Not all commands are known yet and this page should grow over time. Each card is using a separate ADM1 key and the default configuration is hacker/developer friendly (fields being writable, reduced security for installing applets to have more quick development cycles).

Command Reference

To understand this reference, it is assumed that you are familiar with basic knowledge on smartcard
technologies, such as standard ISO 7816-3/-4 APDUs and GSM TS 11.11.

The below should be possible to set after authenticating with the ADM1 pin

=== Setting the IMSI ===

Use a standard UPDATE BINARY command on EF.IMSI (7F20/6F07)

=== Setting the ICCID ===

Use a standard UPDATE BINARY command on EF.ICCID (2FE2)

=== Setting the Ki ===

Use a standard UPATE BINARY command on EF.KI (7F20/00FF)

=== Setting the OP ===

Use a standard UPATE BINARY command on EF.MilenageOP (7F20/00FD)

=== Setting the OPC ===

Use a standard UPATE BINARY command on EF.MilenageOPC (7F20/00FC)

=== Setting the Algorithm(s) ===

Use a standard UPDATE BINARY command on EF.AUTH (7FCC/6F00)

Two bytes, first byte for 2G, second byte for 3G.

Value '01' for milenage
Value '03' for COMP128v1 (only allowed for 2G)

Updated by over 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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