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neels, 10/27/2017 02:17 AM

OsmoNITB Migration Guide

Historically, Osmocom offered the OsmoNITB "Network-In-The-Box" as an actual single program. It was a useful simplification at the time, but in 2017, Osmocom have decided to split OsmoNITB into programs more closely resembling traditional network architecture. It is recommended to use the new separate components instead of the OsmoNITB, since active development focus has moved there.

Creating a new Network In The Box from scratch is described at Osmocom Network In The Box, please refer to that page to complement the descriptions found here.

This page aims at describing the steps necessary to move from a working operation of osmo-nitb to the new split components.

Subscriber Database

With OsmoHLR comes osmo-hlr-db-tool, which is capable of importing the most important subscriber data from a database that was used with OsmoNITB.

osmo-hlr-db-tool -l path/to/hlr.db -n path/to/osmo-nitb.db

If no -l is passed, ./hlr.db is assumed.
If the target hlr.db does not exist yet, it is created.

Note that not all information is copied to the hlr.db, just IMSI and 2G auth tokens.

Configuration Files


Service Files


Updated by neels over 6 years ago · 4 revisions

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