


Make a new release » History » Revision 50

Revision 49 (msuraev, 10/17/2017 01:37 PM) → Revision 50/115 (pespin, 03/05/2018 01:30 PM)


 h1. Make a new release 

 The efforts to automate the release process are tracked in 

 h2. When to make a new release 

 Various Osmocom projects depend on others. 

 *Proposed policy:* 
 * master branch is expected to depend on latest master branches of depended-upon projects 
 * make release of depended-upon projects if necessary before making non-library project release 
 * make sure that we have correct version dependencies before making non-library project release 

 Alternatively/additionally we can make timely releases of non-library projects (and corresponding depended-upon libraries): 
 * once per XX months? 
 * before every OsmoDevCon? 
 * once YY items accumulated in TODO-RELEASE file(see [[Make_a_new_release#TODO-RELEASE-file-format-and-maintenance|TODO-RELEASE file format]]) 
 * when configuration/db format changes? 

 This would help to avoid batching too many changes together and to adhere to RERO better - see 

 h2. How to make a new release 

 First we outline specific steps for different project types, than common part. The helper (installed by @libosmocore-dev@) available via @make release@ takes care of 

 * version bump 
 * debian/changelog update 
 * commit 
 * sign 
 * tag 

 Feel free to send patches implementing further automation as you see fit. 

 h3. Library release 

 * modify @*_LIBVERSION@ in @src/ as necessary according to TODO-RELEASE file 
 * if necessary ("current" component of @*_LIBVERSION@ was bumped) then than rename @debian/lib*.install@ to match the change 
 * if necessary (any of @debian/lib*.install@) were renamed than adjust @debian/control@ accordingly 

 The release helper is trying to be smart about it and prevent making new library release with non-empty TODO-RELEASE file if @*_LIBVERSION@ is not adjusted beforehand. 

 h3. Non-library release 

 Nothing special is required ATM. 

 h3. Common steps 

 Be default @make release@ prepares 'patch' release but you can manually specify any of 'major/minor/patch' as necessary - see for details. 

 * @make REL=minor release@ 
 * inspect the latest commit which was just created 
 * adjust it if necessary and re-sign (see [[Make_a_new_release#How-to-retag-a-new-release|Re-tag new release]]) 
 * push commit for review using @git review -f@ (see [[Gerrit]] for alternatives) 
 * push the release tag by @git push gerrit --tags@ 
 * consider preparing article for and sending announcement to appropriate ML for major release once release commit passed the review 

 h2. Which new release to make 

 Use following guidelines when choosing release type: 
 * major - ?? TBD 
 * minor - ?? TBD 
 * patch - ?? TBD 

 If unsure - ask in corresponding ML. 

 h2. Deprecation policy 

 Functions/interfaces marked as deprecated for X releases of type Y can be removed in next Z release. 

 TBD: what's appropriate value for X? which Y and Z (from major/minor/patch) should we use? 

 h2. TODO-RELEASE file format and maintenance 

 * all the strings which contain @#@ considered comment and will be ignored 
 * actual entries consists of 3 tab-separated fields: 
 # library - name of the library affected (should correspond to @lib* file in project's root directory) 
 # what - API or ABI change (used as a guidance to properly bump @*_LIBVERSION@) 
 # description - textual description (will end up in changelog) 

 When change affecting library's API/ABI is made than new entry should be added to TODO-RELEASE according to the format above. The file will be claned-up automatically by @make release@ command. 

 h2. How to (re)tag a new release 

 This might be necessary if previous release was made manually with some mistakes which have to be corrected and amended to the release commit. 

 git tag -s 0.4.0 -f -m "Release v0.4.0 on 2017-08-25." 

 This will automatically (re)sign the latest commit. You can specify which commit to sign explicitly. 

 Say, for example, the git hash is @012342abcdefg@ and the next open version is 0.1.3: 
 git tag -s 0.1.3 012342abcdefg -m "release 0.1.3" 

 (If @gpg@ complains, see [[Make a new release#GPG-Have-a-matching-user-id|GPG: Have a matching user id]].) 

 Verify that git picks up the new version tag: 
 $ git describe 

 N. B: *For your local build, _nothing will change_ until you delete the @.version@ file and completely rebuild:* 

 rm .version 
 autoreconf -fi 
 cat .version 

 This should show the same as @git describe@. 

 When you're convinced that all is in order, push the new tag: 

 git push origin 0.1.3 

 If anything went wrong, you can delete the tag (locally) by 
 git tag -d 0.1.3 
 and, if you've already pushed it, by 
 git push --delete origin 0.1.3 

 h2. GPG: Have a matching user id 

 By default, @git tag -s@ takes your author information to lookup the secret GPG key to sign a tag with. 
 If the author+email do not exactly match one of the key's @uid@s, you will get this error: 

 gpg: signing failed: secret key not available 

 Verify: say, your author+email info in your git config says "John Doe <>", try 
 gpg --list-secret-keys "John Doe <>" 
 If this fails, GPG won't find the right key automatically. 

 Ways to resolve: 

 * Use @git tag -u <key-id>@ 
 * Edit your secret key to add a uid that matches your author information 
 gpg --edit-key 
 gpg> adduid 
 # enter details to match the git author 
 gpg> save 
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