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msuraev, 08/28/2017 09:09 AM

Make a new release

The efforts to automate the release process are tracked in

When to make a new release

Various Osmocom projects depend on others.

FIXME: following part is disputable and should be fixed

As soon as a feature is added to one Osmocom project that is needed for another dependent project to compile, we should tag at least a minor-revision bump in the depended-upon project and require it in the depending project's To illustrate, let's look at this example:

Among others, openbsc depends on the libraries built from libosmocore, for example libosmogsm.
As soon as the libosmogsm library gets a new feature used by openbsc, like something was added to
gsm_utils.h, we shall
  • tag a release in libosmocore; say if the previous version was 0.1.2, make it at least 0.1.3.
  • and in openbsc, require libosmogsm >= 0.1.3 in
Proposed policy:
  • master branch is expected to depend on latest master branches of depended-upon projects
  • make release of depended-upon projects if necessary before making non-library project release
  • make sure that we have correct version dependencies before making non-library project release

Alternatively/additionally we can make timely releases (once per XX months? before every OsmoDevCon?) of non-library projects (and corresponding depended-upon libraries) to avoid batching too many changes together and to adhere to RERO better - see

How to make a new release

First we outline specific steps, than common for different project types.

Library release

  • modify *_LIBVERSION in as necessary according to TODO-RELEASE file

Non-library release

  • nothing special is required ATM

Common steps

Be default make release prepares 'patch' release but you can manually specify any of 'major/minor/patch' as necessary - see for details.

  • run make REL=minor release
  • inspect the latest commit which was just created
  • adjust it if necessary and re-sign (see below)
  • push commit for review using git review -f (see Gerrit for alternatives)
  • push the release tag by git push gerrit --tags

How to (re)tag a new release

  • run git tag -s 0.4.0 -f -m "Release v0.4.0 on 2017-08-25."

This will automatically (re)sign the latest commit. You can specify which commit to sign explicitly.

Say, for example, the git hash is 012342abcdefg and the next open version is 0.1.3:

git tag -s 0.1.3 012342abcdefg -m "release 0.1.3" 

(If gpg complains, see GPG: Have a matching user id.)

Verify that git picks up the new version tag:

$ git describe

For your local build, nothing will change until you delete the .version file
and completely rebuild:

rm .version
autoreconf -fi
cat .version

This should show the same as git describe.

When you're convinced that all is in order, push the new tag:

git push origin 0.1.3

If anything went wrong, you can delete the tag (locally) by

git tag -d 0.1.3

and, if you've already pushed it, by
git push --delete origin 0.1.3

Deprecation policy

Functions/interfaces marked as deprecated for X releases of type Y can be removed in next Z release.

TBD: what's appropriate value for X? which Y and Z (from major/minor/patch) should we use?

GPG: Have a matching user id

By default, git tag -s takes your author information to lookup the secret GPG key to sign a tag with.
If the author+email do not exactly match one of the key's @uid@s, you will get this error:

gpg: signing failed: secret key not available

Verify: say, your author+email info in your git config says "John Doe <>", try

gpg --list-secret-keys "John Doe <>" 

If this fails, GPG won't find the right key automatically.

Ways to resolve:

  • Use git tag -u <key-id>
  • Edit your secret key to add a uid that matches your author information
    gpg --edit-key
    gpg> adduid
    # enter details to match the git author
    gpg> save

Updated by msuraev almost 7 years ago · 30 revisions

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