


Linting » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (osmith, 06/16/2021 02:53 PM) → Revision 3/13 (osmith, 06/17/2021 08:27 AM)

h1. Linting 

 Patches submitted to [[Gerrit]] are automatically linted to ensure patches follow our [[coding standards]] and to catch common spelling errors. Jenkins runs from the Linux kernel (with an Osmocom specific configuration) against the diff of the current patch. 

 h2. Run locally 

 Go to the directory above your Osmocom sources, then run the following: 

 $ git clone 
 $ cd libosmocore 
 $ ../osmo-ci/lint/ 


 h2. Pre-commit hook 

 The linting script is very fast, it makes sense to configure it locally as pre-commit hook. Then it will run whenever attempting to @git commit@. 

 After cloning osmo-ci.git (see above), Again, go to the directory above your Osmocom sources again and run the following. Replace libosmocore with any checked out Osmocom project. 
 $ git clone 
 $ ln -sv $PWD/osmo-ci/lint/ libosmocore/.git/hooks/pre-commit 


 h2. Osmocom specific configuration 

 Find the Osmocom specific configuration in @osmo-ci/lint/checkpatch/ 

 If you see the script generating errors with checks that don't apply for Osmocom code (see the ignores and excludes already in the script), please submit a patch against osmo-ci.git that disables this specific check. 

 h2. Testing 

 Run @osmo-ci/lint/ in a git repository to run the script against all files in that repository and to report the total amount of errors. It is also possible to run only a specific check of by passing it as argument. For example: 

 $ cd libosmocore 
 $ ../osmo-ci/lint/ CODE_INDENT 

 h2. See also 

 * #5087
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