



Linting » History » Revision 12

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osmith, 01/19/2023 08:12 AM
add section: Interpreting multi-line comments as code


Patches submitted to Gerrit are automatically linted to ensure patches follow our coding standards and to catch common spelling errors. Jenkins runs from the Linux kernel (with an Osmocom specific configuration) against the diff of the current patch.

Run locally

Go to the directory above your Osmocom sources, then run the following:

$ git clone
$ cd libosmocore
$ ../osmo-ci/lint/

Pre-commit hook

The linting script is very fast, it makes sense to configure it locally as pre-commit hook. Then it will run whenever attempting to git commit.

After cloning osmo-ci.git (see above), go to the directory above your Osmocom sources again and run the following. Replace libosmocore with any checked out Osmocom project.

$ ln -sv $PWD/osmo-ci/lint/ libosmocore/.git/hooks/pre-commit

Osmocom specific configuration

Find the Osmocom specific configuration in osmo-ci/lint/checkpatch/

Project specific configuration

It is possible to have project specific ignores for linter checks, by creating a .checkpatch.conf file inside the top directory of the git repository. In that file, each line is a command-line argument to


--exclude ^src/sbcap/(skel|gen)/.*\.(c|h)$
--exclude ^src/sbcap/.*\.asn$
--ignore OPEN_BRACE
--ignore SPACING

Notes on linter behavior

Interpreting multi-line comments as code

If a multi-line comment gets linted as code, then it is probably missing the star at the beginning of each comment line.

/* Multi-line
 * comment
 * example */


Run osmo-ci/lint/ in a git repository to run the script against all files in that repository and to report the total amount of errors. It is also possible to run only a specific check of by passing it as argument. For example:

$ cd libosmocore
$ ../osmo-ci/lint/ CODE_INDENT

Ignoring lint failures

If a reported failure from the linter does not make sense, and it is trivial, consider submitting a patch against osmo-ci.git to fix it yourself. Otherwise create an issue and assign it to osmith.

The linter job runs separately from the build verification job. If building a patch succeeds, but the linter fails on it, jenkins will leave a comment like the following in the gerrit review:

Build Failed : SUCCESS : FAILURE

So from looking at this comment, it's clear that building did succeed any only linting failed. If that is the case and the linter's output isn't helpful, remove the -1 build verification vote from jenkins and add your own +1 build verification. Then it can be merged regardless of the linting errors.

See also

Updated by osmith over 1 year ago · 12 revisions

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