



Latest Builds » History » Revision 7

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daniel, 03/13/2018 03:56 PM
update shasum of release.key

Latest Builds

sysmocom has setup Debian source package builds for the latest version tag of the Osmocom GSM related software. Starting from October 28, 2017, there are daily builds for

  • Debian 8 (i586, amd64)
  • Debian 9 (i586, amd64, armv7l, aarch64)
  • xUbuntu 16.04 (i586, amd64)
  • xUbuntu 16.10 (i586, amd64)
  • xUbuntu 17.04 (i586, amd64)
  • xUbuntu 17.10 (amd64)

The Osmocom jenkins will build source packages once a day and upload them to the Open(SUSE) Build Service (OBS).

The OBS page is at

A nice status overview on the builds is available at

How to use the osmocom:latest builds

The download repositories are at:

Adding the repository to your Debian 8 system:

sudo su
sha256sum Release.key
=> cbb03d32d144d45ba654ff9ed16361218d224a1bdffbdf2832c48e796b955aa8
apt-key add Release.key
rm Release.key
echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list
apt-get update

How are those builds created?

See for corresponding build job.

The script at is used to
  • obtain a current clone of the respective git repository
  • check out the latest version tag in that repository
  • build debian source packages
  • upload them to the OBS network:osmocom:latest sub-project.

It's possible to reproduce the latest builds locally using

osc co
osc build

To test local changes with one can create local packages the same way jenkins job above does:

gbp buildpackage -S -uc -us --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir=/tmp

and than repeat build steps outlined above for local build.

E-Mail Notifications of build failures

Build failure notifications are sent to the gerrit-log mailing list

Updated by daniel over 6 years ago · 7 revisions

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