


Latest Builds » History » Revision 36

Revision 35 (neels, 07/25/2022 04:21 PM) → Revision 36/47 (neels, 07/25/2022 04:23 PM)


 h1. _Latest_ Builds 

 If you require current master version of the Osmocom GSM related software, go have a look at the [[Nightly_Builds]] alternative. NOTE: USE NIGHTLY BUILDS ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT/TESTING.  

 sysmocom has set up package builds for the _latest_ version tag of the Osmocom GSM related software. 

 The packages are built for various Linux distributions, find the complete list at the OBS page: 

 A nice status overview on the builds is available at 

 Browse the published binary packages at: 

 h2. How to use the _osmocom:latest_ builds 

 h3. Debian based distributions 

 Example for Debian 11, adjust it as necessary for other distributions as found "here": 

 $ sudo su 
 # wget 
 # sha256sum Release.key 
 1d0e8f6e67b84b6262767596a183d585c9a26cba793bbc862eb16fa3762db4b7    Release.key 
 # mv cp Release.key /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/osmocom-latest.asc 
 # rm Release.key 
 # echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list 
 # apt-get update 
 # exit 

 h3. RPM based distributions 

 Example for CentOS_8, adjust it as necessary for other distributions as found "here": 

 $ sudo su 
 # wget 
 # sha256sum osmocom:latest.repo 
 0260628ff9ddd5b31df946be1f56a8245bdd951dfbfa57ccce8585596ba1a0e5    osmocom:latest.repo 
 # mv osmocom:latest.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ 
 # exit 

 As soon as you try to install a package from the Osmocom repository (e.g. <code>dnf install osmo-hlr</code>), @dnf@ will import the repositories GPG key as defined in the .repo file ("repomd.xml.key":, download the repository index and finally install the Osmocom packages. 

 h2. How are those builds created? 

 See [[OBS Maintenance]]. 

 h2. Historical Archives / Older Packages 

 If you are interested in a historical archive of previous / older packages, you can find it at - it contains a daily mirror of the entire *osmocom:* OBS hierarchy, including the *latest* builds.    The full URL e.g. for Raspbian 10 of April 22nd, 2021 would be
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