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laforge, 04/28/2022 12:40 PM

Latest Builds

If you require current master version of the Osmocom GSM related software, go have a look at the Nightly_Builds alternative. NOTE: USE NIGHTLY BUILDS ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT/TESTING.

sysmocom has setup Debian source package builds for the latest version tag of the Osmocom GSM related software. Starting from October 28, 2017, there are daily builds for

  • Debian 9 (i586, amd64, armv7l, aarch64)
  • Debian 10 (i586, amd64, armv7l, aarch64)
  • Debian 11 (i586, amd64, armv7l, aarch64)
  • Debian testing (x86_64)
  • Debian unstable (x86_64)
  • Raspbian 10 (armv7l)
  • Raspbian 11 (armv7l)
  • xUbuntu 18.04 (i586, amd64)
  • xUbuntu 19.04 (amd64)
  • xUbuntu 20.10 (amd64)
  • xUbuntu 21.04 (amd64)
  • xUbuntu 21.10 (amd64)

The Osmocom jenkins will build source packages once a day and upload them to the Open(SUSE) Build Service (OBS).

The OBS page is at

A nice status overview on the builds is available at

How to use the osmocom:latest builds

The download repositories are at:

Example instructions for adding the repository to your Debian 11 system:

sudo su
sha256sum Release.key
=> b5e2c1df9ff80bc73dd00a0c153ef308e7ec643ddb859e69789fcd4a9b1893d3
apt-key add Release.key
rm Release.key
echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmocom-latest.list
apt-get update

How are those builds created?

See for corresponding build job.

The script at is used to
  • obtain a current clone of the respective git repository
  • check out the latest version tag in that repository
  • build debian source packages
  • upload them to the OBS network:osmocom:latest sub-project.

It's possible to reproduce the latest builds locally using

osc co
osc build

To test local changes with one can create local packages the same way jenkins job above does:

gbp buildpackage -S -uc -us --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir=/tmp

and than repeat build steps outlined above for local build.

E-Mail Notifications of build failures

Build failure notifications are sent to the gerrit-log mailing list


In case you have trouble reaching, you can try as a base URL.

Historical Archives / Older Packages

If you are interested in a historical archive of previous / older packages, you can find it at - it contains a daily mirror of the entire network:osmocom: OBS hierarchy, including the latest builds. The full URL e.g. for Raspbian 10 of April 22nd, 2021 would be

Updated by laforge about 2 years ago · 30 revisions

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