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tsaitgaist, 02/19/2016 10:47 PM

PageOutline = GRcard SIM 2 =

The GRcard SIM version 2 is a programmable GSM SIM card.
They are used by sysmocom for the sysmoSIM-GR2.
These are different from the previous sysmoSIM-GR1

There is limited card programming support in ​

ADM & SUPER ADM * ADM is access level {{{05}}} * SUPER ADM is access level {{{0b}}}, and the default PIN is 88888888 (encoded {{{3838383838383838}}}) Command reference

To understand this reference, it is assumed that you are familiar with basic knowledge on smartcard
technologies, such as standard ISO 7816-3/-4 APDUs and ETSI TS 51.011 (previously GSM TS 11.11).

=== Writing files ===

Files (ICCID, IMSI, …) can be written using the standard SIM commands (UPDATE BINARY/RECORD).

Security: ADM

=== Set PIN ===

Uses a non-standard APDU {{{A0 D4 P1 P2 08 PIN}}}

  • P1: {{{3A}}} for PIN, {{{3B}}} for PUK
  • P2: CHV number, as in VERIFY CHV for PIN (01 for PIN1, 02 for PIN2, 05 for ADM, 0b for SUPER ADM), and as in UNBLOCK CHV for PUK (00 for PUK1, 02 for PUK2)
  • PIN: 8 byte PIN/PUK, encoded as in VERIFY CHV

Security: ADM

=== Ki & algo ===

Ki & the A3A8 algorithm are store in the transparent file EF.WEKI (id 0001) under DF.GSM (id 7F20)

binary value: {{{0010 ALGO Ki}}}

  • ALGO is the A3A8 algorithm used: * COMP128V1: {{{00}}} * COMP128V2: {{{01}}} * COMP128V3: {{{03}}}
  • Ki: 16 byte secret key

Security: SUPER ADM

Updated by tsaitgaist over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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