


Contact » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (laforge, 02/21/2016 03:43 PM) → Revision 6/12 (laforge, 03/05/2018 07:14 PM)

 h1. Contact / Impressum 

 German law (§ 6 Teledienste Gesetz) requires any website to have an _Impressum_. The paragraph below is the Impressum of this website.  

 *NOTE: The contact address below is _only_ the legal contact, and not responsible for any technical inquiries.  
 See our [[Mailing_Lists]] at for the mailing lists used for technical inquiries* 

 h2. Contact Address 

 The operator of this website can be contacted by the following means: 

 h3. Postal Address 

 Harald Welte 
 Glanzstr. 11 
 12437 Berlin 

 h3. Phone 


 (NOTE: Phone calls are generally not answered, unless scheduled in advance via email or Fax) 

 h3. Fax 


 h3. e-mail 

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