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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM
Admit that i stole this markup from OpenEmbedded. revise later

PageOutline = Welcome to the OsmocomBB project =

OsmocomBB is an Free Software / Open Source GSM Baseband software implementation.

It intends to completely replace the need for a proprietary GSM baseband software, such as * drivers for the GSM analog and digital baseband (integrated and external) peripherals * the GSM phone-side protocol stack, from layer 1 up to layer 3

In short: By using [wiki:OsmocomBB] on a compatible phone, you are able
to make and receive phone calls, send and receive SMS, etc. based on Free Software only.

Little work has yet been done on any sort of UI on the phone. The only user interface is a telnet-based
command line.

Our version of trac does not have the TH wikiprocessor. Need to do it with raw html
}}} {{{
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