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tsaitgaist, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM


softSIM is a collection of tools to play with the SIM application (in the SIM card or elsewhere).

It uses [ bluetooth] [ profile] [ SIM Access Profile] as abstraction layer to access the SIM (but no bluetooth is required).

The final purpose is to provide a virtual SIM, simulated in software.


All the scripts are written in ruby : {{{
sudo apt-get install ruby
To use all tools, additionnal libraries and gems are required : {{{
sudo apt-get install rubygems ruby-dev
gem source -a
sudo apt-get install libdbus-ruby
sudo gem install serialport
sudo apt-get install pcscd libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev libruby
sudo gem install smartcard
sudo apt-get install libxml-ruby
detailed information is in README

to get the code : {{{
git clone git://


SAP is useful as it provides a easy common way to talk to the SIM, not restricted to any device (as PCSC is).

The SAP methods are implementes in {{{sap/common.rb}}}. Client and Server are also provided in {{{sap/client.rb}}} and {{{sap/server.rb}}}.
The client is ready to use, with the {{{connect,atr,apdu,disconnect}}} methods.
A tool to connect to BTSAP servers is also provided (some phones offer this profile).

You have to tell the Server how to communicate with the SIM.
Two implementations are provided : {{{pcsc_server.rb}}} uses as normal card reader (PCSC), and {{{sim_server.rb}}} which is the software SIM (a SIMOS is partially implemented, the SIM files have to be provided).

To test it, use {{{demo_client.rb}}} and {{{demo_server.rb}}}.

Please contact the author if any bug is discovered.

Updated by tsaitgaist over 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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