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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM

= Requirements =

Osmocom-BB is not an user oriented project (yet?). It's mainly targeted at developers / hackers / researchers that want to learn more and play with GSM. As such, there are a few things we expect from you.

General knowledge

There are a few areas we assume you are familiar with. If you're unfamiliar with any of theses area, please get some documentation about them yourself beforehand and try to avoid polluting the
mailing list with questions not related to the "GSM part" itself.

- '''English''': Certainly doesn't need to be perfect but enough to understand instructions and ask questions people can understand.
- '''Unix-like environment''': That's the environment the sw runs on, you need to know how to use it properly.
- '''You distribution packages''': You should find missing dependencies from the errors yourself. It's your machine, you're supposed to know it.
- '''Autotools''' based build system
- '''git''' and associated tools to generate / apply patches, switch branches, ...
- '''cross-compilation'''
- '''C'''
- '''Light hardware hacking''': For the serial link, if you need to debug it, you may need some hw skills/tools
Solving problems

We also expect you to try to solve the problems by yourself first. Here's what you should do before posting to the ML or IRC:

- Check the Wiki
- Check the Mailing list archives
- Just plain google for it
- Try to fix it yourself for at least a few hours (read source / try to understand the problem / ...)
- Read the relevant specifications / schematics / whatever doc may be applicable
- Make sure the problem is osmocom-bb and not your machine / environment / distribution / ...

(the three last items are not applicable to all questions obviously)

And if it's a build error, then you should even try harder to fix it
yourself because you should just know how all theses things work
already (see above) ...

Bad examples

The kind of subject that are really rarely relevant :

- Building
- Serial cable
- Finding phones on ebay

As mentionned in the two sections above, you really should be able to solve by yourself without
asking ... all the info is out there.

If you have any particular problems, be sure to document it in the wiki so that others will find solution, and/or post a patch if relevant.

Updated by over 8 years ago · 3 revisions

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