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steve-m, 02/19/2016 10:48 PM
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= Pirelli DP-L10 =

The Pirelli DP-L10 is a tripleband GSM/Wifi VoIP dualmode phone, which was developed by Pirelli Broadband Solutions and manufactured by Foxconn.

It was branded and sold by quite a few operators:

  • Pirelli DP-L10
  • Arcor Twintel DP-L10
  • Telekom TC-300
  • sipgate Pirelli Discus !DualPhone DP-L10
  • Black
  • Cubic Mobile DP-L10
  • Tovo t450g
  • Eurotef-M

The phones are still available as new at various places like eBay, Pollin or

Hardware * CPU/DBB: TI Calypso (D751992AZHH) * ABB: TI Iota (TWL3014) * GSM Transceiver: TI Rita (TRF6151) * PA: SKY77328-13 * Flash/SRAM: Spansion S71PL129NC0 128MBit/64MBit * Wifi: Marvell 88W8385 802.11 MAC * Marvell 88W8015 802.11b/g transceiver * Winbond W56940 ringtone chip * Sunplus SPCA552E multimedia controller * LSI-65194A1 ASIC (seems to be a DSP for VoIP en-/decoding) * Silabs CP2102 USB UART (connected to UART_IRDA of the Calypso)

The pcb is labelled with "T60N925", and the Foxconn internal project name seems to be "T60N925.00".

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Updated by steve-m over 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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