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Anonymous, 02/19/2016 10:49 PM
Rewrote main text.

PageOutline = osmocon =

Osmocon is a console tool for our baseband implementation.

It is used to download a firmware or bootloader into the phone over the serial interface, which is currently implemented for the CompalE88 and the CompalE99.

After uploading a firmware, it turns into an HDLC mux/demux, allowing multichannel communication with the device.

The phones console is on one such channel and will be redirected to the terminal on which osmocom runs.

Several other HDLC channels are accessible by means of the following unix domain sockets: * /tmp/osmocom_l2 for the [wiki:L1A_L23_Interface] * /tmp/osmocon_loader for the [wiki:Bootloader]

Usage * Connect your Compal phone to a serial port of your PC, using a [wiki:CalypsoSerialCable] (3.3V RS232 on 2.5mm headphone jack) * Start the osmocon program like this {{{
$ ./osmocon -m c123xor -p /dev/ttyUSB0 /path/to/your/object_code.bin
}}} * Push the power-on button of your phone (short push, not like a regular phone boot!) * Observe the following output: {{{
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 04
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 81
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 01
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 40
Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 43
Received PROMPT2 from phone, starting download
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 03
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 42
Received DOWNLOAD ACK from phone, your code is running now!
}}} * Observe further output of the serial port generated by the code you have downloaded {{{
Hello World from C program code ======================================================================
Device ID code: B4FB
Device Version code: 0000
ARM ID code: FFF3
cDSP ID code: 0128
Die ID code: 6397191EFA039BE7 ======================================================================
CNTL_ARM_DIV=FFF9 ======================================================================
CNTL_ARM_DIV=FFF9 ======================================================================
Releasing DSP from Reset
Loading initial DSP bootcode
Releasing DSP from Reset
Setting some api_ndb values
Setting API NDB parameters
DSP Download Status: 0001
DSP API Version: 0DC4 6308
Finishing download phase
DSP Download Status: 0002
DSP API Version: 3606 0000
}}} Known Problems

For some USB-Serial converters (most notably FTDI based cables), you might need the {{{-m c123}}} mode, not the {{{-m c123xor}}} mode.

Updated by over 8 years ago · 8 revisions

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